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In the News

  • US Congress hears constitutional experts on TSCA preemption

    Richard Revesz, professor of the New York University School of Law, said generally the federal government should set the floor for chemical regulations and allow states to set more stringent limits if they wanted to do so.

  • Rules for Methane Emissions From Fracking Needed, Panel Told

    Environmental Protection Agency performance standards are needed to constrain emissions of “fugitive” methane generated by hydraulic fracturing from upstream sources such as natural gas wells, pipelines and storage tanks, Richard Revesz said at a House subcommittee hearing today.

  • Conservative Justices Give the Government a Victory on Climate Change

    Though the opinion is a win for the EPA, environmental law expert Michael A. Livermore said Scalia’s opinion could sow confusion about who really won. That’s because, though Scalia handed a win to the EPA, the rhetoric in his opinion reads as a fiery reprimand of the agency for “laying claim to extravagant statutory power over the national economy.”

  • Obama’s EPA 2, Agency Opponents 0 at Supreme Court

    The decision doesn’t touch President Barack Obama’s more comprehensive climate-change proposal released June 2 to cut carbon emissions from existing power plants. No precedent was set that could alter that plan, said Ricky Revesz, director of the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University.

  • Industry Sees Warning on Power Plant Carbon Rules in Supreme Court Decision

    “The vast majority of emissions the EPA sought to regulate it can regulate,” Professor Richard Revesz, director of the Institute for Policy Integrity at the New York University School of Law, told reporters June 23.

  • Experts: Ruling helps target top polluters

    “The only thing that EPA could have done if it had won across the board that it won’t be able to do now is regulate another 3 percent of emissions,” said Richard Revesz, a New York University School of Law professor who filed a brief support EPA in the case. “That’s all that’s at stake.”

  • Sorry, Conservatives. The Supreme Court Isn’t Stopping Obama’s Climate Plan.

    “This is not doing much of anything to hobble EPA,” explains Richard Revesz, director of the Institute for Policy Integrity at the New York University School of Law, adding: “Nothing that is being done today calls into question the EPA’s ability to regulate power plants, both new and existing, under section 111 of the Clean Air Act.”

  • Supreme Court affirms EPA’s authority to regulate CO2, even as it hauls on the agency’s reins

    The court’s decision doesn’t greatly affect the scope of EPA’s permitting authority, said Richard Revesz, dean emeritus at the New York University School of Law and director of the Institute for Policy Integrity.

  • Carbon capturing about ready for prime time, experts say

    Others say the proposed emissions cuts are precisely what’s needed to boost carbon capturing.

    “There has never really been a financial incentive to develop carbon-capture-and-storage technology because facilities could just pollute for free,” said Michael Livermore, an associate professor at the University of Virginia School of Law.

    “Why spend a billion dollars developing a new technology to cut pollution that you don’t have to pay for? It doesn’t make any financial sense.”

  • Winners and Losers in the Climate Rule

    Who “wins” as a result of EPA’s proposed regulation of carbon emissions from existing power plants? Society at large. As the Regulatory Impact Analysis accompanying EPA’s proposal makes clear, the social benefits of reducing power plants’ emissions greatly outweigh the costs. EPA estimates that total compliance costs will top out at $8.8 billion in 2030 (and that’s assuming that states choose the pricier option of solo compliance rather than entering into cost-lowering regional agreements). Nine billion may sound like a hefty price tag, but it is dwarfed by an estimated $31 billion in climate benefits that will be generated by the rule’s carbon reductions.